As of STEP 7 V5.5, you can configure keepalive times for TCP connections. In 2000, Unigraphics purchased SDRC I-DEAS and began an effort to integrate aspects of both software packages into a single product which became Unigraphics NX or NX. As of STEP 7 V5.5, you can access Web pages of the CPU via a secure HTTPS connection. NX, formerly known as 'unigraphics', is an advanced high-end CAD/CAM/CAE, which has been owned since 2007 by Siemens PLM Software.

As of STEP 7 V5.5, you can manage user rights for the Web server.
What is the latest version of siemens step 7 install#
+ Download Siemens STEP7 V5. As of STEP 7 V5.5, you can install hardware updates directly from the 'Windows Start menu'. + Devices diagnostic and operation control function > Link Download Software (GoogleDrive – Easy for Download) + Programming, testing, debugging and launching programs of individual automation systems, as well as their local or remote maintenance + Configure industrial communication systems and set data transmission parameters + Configure and define settings for hardware ScreenShots: Software Description: Siemens SIMATIC STEP 7 software is theprofessional tool for the SIMATIC S7, SIMATIC C7 and SIMATIC WinACautomation systems. This version of V2021 supports many popular operating systems such as Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Sever. A distinctive feature of the STEP 7 package is the ability to develop complex automation projects with a variety of PLC programmable controllers, industrial computers, man-machine interface devices and systems, I /O and industrial communication network structure.

STEP 7 V5.7 Professional 2021 is programming and configuration software for Siemens PLC S7-300/S7-400. STEP 7 V5.7 Professional 2021 is programming and configuration software for Siemens PLC S7-300/S7-400.